Halászbástya Restaurant
Officially the best view in town! :))
184 m vom Hotel entfernt
Halászbástya - Északi Híradástorony
Ein Guide für tolle Orte in der Nähe von PEST-BUDA Design Hotel
Officially the best view in town! :))
184 m vom Hotel entfernt
Halászbástya - Északi Híradástorony
Spread atop the Castle Hill is the Castle District, part of the UNESCO World Heritage. Entering through the gate called Bécsi kapu it's as if you were immediately thrown back to the past.
235 m vom Hotel entfernt
You can pay to go to the top level or stay on the ground level for free! While looking at the cafe go to the left. There is a small opening where you can get to a ledge to overlook the city for free!
250 m vom Hotel entfernt
Budai várnegyed
Great tour even with English commentary. I definitely recommend it.
300 m vom Hotel entfernt
Lovas út 4/c.
Proper artisan bread. Coffee should be good too. Stay for a chat with the owner if you can!
418 m vom Hotel entfernt
Batthányi u. 24.
Experimental icecream manufacture. Worth a taste, look for daily variations
434 m vom Hotel entfernt
Batthyány u. 26.
Mátra borozó provides the best black pudding in the city, and the best price/quality-ratio when it comes to pálinka. The crowd of customers is rather diverse, so you won't feel out of place.
498 m vom Hotel entfernt
Fő u. 29.
Great place to sit, drink, and snack with friends for hours. I loved the Corsendonk Agnus Dei, give it a try!
0.6 km vom Hotel entfernt
Bem rakpart 12
Espresso embassy has a drip bar with V60, aeropress and friends. Beans are from relatively new local Budapest roasters called "casino Mocca". Excellent Kenya on drip! I like self-served tapped water.
1.3 km vom Hotel entfernt
Arany János u. 15.